Published by Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi
ISSN : 02164140 EISSN : - DOI : -
Core Subject : Agriculture,
This journal focus on the result of research, information technology and fresh ideas on the technological problems of h2o management and waste water, industrial water and management of water resources and the environs.
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said, nusa idaman Jurnal Air Indonesia Vol. 9 No. i (2016): Jurnal Air Indonesia Publisher :
Center for Environmental Technology Testify Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Cheque in Google Scholar | Full PDF (139.882 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jai.v9i1.2479
The existence of regulations to control environmental pollution has grown over time in line with changes in environmental legislation. In Indonesia since the '80s has been three times experience changes in ecology legislation. Whatsoever change in the constabulary is always followed past changes in regulations that are below it. From time to fourth dimension, the environmental pollution is getting worse and require stricter regulations and implementation. Regulations are too strict sometimes not implementable and somewhen are violated because there is no manner out solution that does non burden the parties. Domestic waste is the largest portion of urban waste material. Its existence has fabricated the surround of rivers, lakes and ground h2o polluted, due to not properly managed. Regulation of waste product quality standards have been tightened over time. Waste h2o quality standard is the limit or polluted substance or the corporeality of pollutant elements are tolerable in the waste matter water to be discharged or released into the water source from a business or activeness. The existence of environmental quality standards in Republic of indonesia are set past regulations of surroundings ministers. Belch of domestic waste matter quality standards number P.68 / Menlhk / Secretariat / Kum.1 / 8/2016 has brought on changes in the employ of domestic wastewater treatment technologies, as happened tightening in several central parameters, which is yet within the limits loose. Keywords : Environmental regulation, waste handling applied science PENGOLAHAN AIR LINDI DENGAN PROSES BIOFILTER ANAEROB-AEROB DAN DENITRIFIKASI Said, Nusa Idaman ;
Hartaja, Dinda Rita Krishumartani Jurnal Air Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 1 (2015): Jurnal Air Indonesia Publisher :
Centre for Environmental Technology Show Abstruse | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4257.555 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jai.v8i1.2380
Nigh of the leachate handling in Republic of indonesia using pond system, that is maturation ponds, anaerobic ponds, stabilization ponds, and connected using wetland. The weakness of this technology is long retention time (betwixt 30-50 days), thus the building a pond requires a wide area. In add-on, the processed leachate is over quality standards to be discharged into the surround agency. To overcome these bug, one alternative is to use a combination of processing leachate inside anaerobic-aerobic biofilter and denitrification. The technology is expected to shorten the residence time, so that the land required for the processing of leachate is not too extensive . The processed leachate is also expected to meet the quality standards are immune to be discharged into the environment. Leachate treatment using anaerobic - aerobic biofilter and the denitrification process with a full hidraulic retentiveness time of 12 day, the retention fourth dimension in the anaerobic reactor 8 ( eight ) days , the retention fourth dimension in the aerobic reactor 3 (iii) days and retention fourth dimension in the denitrification reactor 1 (1) mean solar day can be generated COD removal efficiency of 97 %, ammonia removal efficiency of 97.56 %, TSS removal efficiency 87.v % , and nitrate removal efficiency of 86.4 % Keywords : Anaerob-aerob biofilter, denitrification, leachate. KONDISI PENCEMARAN AIR SUNGAI CIPINANG Dki jakarta Yudo, Satmoko Jurnal Air Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 2 (2014): Jurnal Air Republic of indonesia Publisher :
Center for Environmental Technology Testify Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Bank check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1165.861 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jai.v7i2.2412
Cipinang River is ane of the 13 (13) rivers flowing in Jakarta. In the expanse along the river, at that place are a diverseness of activities such as industrial activities, residential, shopping malls and hospitals. These activities each twenty-four hour period issued wastewater into the river, and so that the physical status of the river is getting worse. To find out how much pollution in Cipinang river, nosotros analyze the measurement data from Jakarta BPLHD, especially parameters such every bit BOD, COD, phosphates, detergents, organic affair and leaner coli. The analysis showed that the pollution in the river downstream Cipinang looks very high, this indicator shows that the pollution comes from industrial waste and domestic waste from households, offices and shops. Some efforts to reduce pollution is to build domestic wastewater treatment both individual and communal. Supervision and decisive activeness must exist taken by the government of Jakarta for industries which dispose of waste water without treatment as well as granting permission to discharge liquid waste (IPLC) for industrial tightened. Keywords: Cipinang river, organic parameters, phosphat, detergent, coli bactery, industry pollution and domestic pollution APLIKASI TEKNOLOGI PENGOLAHAN AIR SEDERHANA UNTUK MASYARAKAT PEDESAAN Herlambang, Arie ;
Said, Nusa Idaman Jurnal Air Indonesia Vol. 1 No. ii (2005): Jurnal Air Republic of indonesia Publisher :
Center for Ecology Technology Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Total PDF (414.556 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jai.v1i2.2310
The level of h2o services by PDAM (Local Water Service Company) is still 19,iv% of Indonesian population. Most of them still rely on groundwater, spring, river and pelting. In the big and medium cities the level of water services higher between 40 – 50 and xx - 30% respectively, but in rural still very low. Recently many source of water is contaminated past domestic, industry, and agricultur waste due to lack of attending of water users to environment. Abreast, some dense populated areas with depression sanitation fasility make many shalow well contaminated by E.coli. For improving rural water services, It needs government policy that encourage bigger role of rural comunity to develop their power and arrangement that maintain and protect source, process, production and distribution of water. Data of Simple Water Handling Technology is an important that must be distributed to people who alive in village or remote areas, in order to improve their knowledge. BPPT has been along time to develop many kind of water treatment technologies for treating river h2o, groundwater, peatwater, calcareous h2o,poluted water, brachist water or even sea water to brand make clean water or potable h2o. Many of those technologies have already applied in many areas in Indonesia, and up to now BPPT still develop many kind of h2o treatment technologies for the future. Kata Kunci : air bersih, pengolahan air, masyarakat pedesaan. PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM PENGELOLAAN DATA KUALITAS AIR LIMBAH DOMESTIK PERKOTAAN Wahjono, Heru Dwi Jurnal Air Indonesia Vol. v No. 1 (2009): Jurnal Air Indonesia Publisher :
Heart for Ecology Technology Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (312.279 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jai.v5i1.2435
I of the activities undertaken within the framework of ecology sanitation management by the authorities is to publish a diverseness of regulations governing the wastewater disposal problem. Sources of pollution of the most dominant in urban areas are domestic wastewater. Government institutions through BPLHD take conducted regular monitoring of river water quality in Jakarta. Management of water quality data from domestic waste sources is needed to command river water pollution. This requires data direction system of urban domestic waste water quality. In this article will be discussed the development of data direction systems for domestic waste water quality with reference to the current applicative regulations. Central words : h2o quality database,  domestic waste material water quality EVALUASI KESEIMBANGAN AIR DI PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH Nugroho, Sutopo Purwo Jurnal Air Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 2 (2007): Jurnal Air Indonesia Publisher :
Center for Ecology Applied science Evidence Abstruse | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (81.667 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jai.v3i2.2338
Water supply for the domestics use of Central Java Province has been experiencing problems and challenging. With population of 35 million or 16% of Indonesia, information technology place the province as the 3rd in national population. Information technology have consequently, water demand in the province is as such for use of domestics, irrigation/agriculture, industry, etc. Several counties inside the province has experiencing h2o shortage. Particularly during dry out season, defisits is inclining that results water use conflicts. Furthermore, conflicts occur non only in counties with water shortage but also in county with sufficient water supply. Disharmonize is generally triggered by weak direction and allocation. This is a result of unlimited territorial sovereighnity of water resources and dubiousness of water rights. Unlimited territorial sovereighnity of water resources contain exclusive right to utilise tap h2o within the territorial right, in way that the territory hold the sole right to exploit the resource without bounty to neighbouring territory. Hence, water residual should exist investigated better and comprehensively. Kata kunci: keseimbangan air, konflik, sumber daya air, Jawa Tengah. UJI COBA APLIKASI PEMANENAN AIR HUJAN DAN SUMUR RESAPAN DI WILAYAH BOGOR, DEPOK DAN JAKARTA Herlambang, Arie ;
Indriatmoko, Robertus Haryoto ;
Yudo, Satmoko ;
Samsuhadi, Samsuhadi Jurnal Air Indonesia Vol. vi No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Air Indonesia Publisher :
Eye for Environmental Technology Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.667 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jai.v6i2.2469
Areas of Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi (Greater Jakarta) is an surface area with high rainfall (2250 -2500 mm/twelvemonth). The rain that falls in this region oftentimes cause flooding issues in the area of rice fields, settlements and even in downtown. Rain is a gift from God to be utilized to the maximum extent possible for everyday purposes. Rain H2o Harvesting is an attempt to capture rainwater that falls on the roof. In this study, use of the roof area of virtually 300 -500 m2. Precipitation that falls on the roof is channeled and put into storage, past showtime filtering done to reduce the dirt. The volume of rain water storage for each location is x m3, medium intensity rain (15-20 mm/h), sufficient to meet the storage within a few hours. Rain H2o Reservoir are equipped with water pump which has a capacity of 25 liters/minute, the water tin be used for flushing toilets and spraying crops. If Rain H2o Reservoir is full, water overflows into the Bogus recharge well. The results of analysis with Kostiokov adding method used to calculate the infiltration charge per unit of Artificial recharge well and calculate the cumulative book of infiltration at the Artificial recharge well. Results of tests conducted are equally follows: a). In Depok, the infiltration rate of Artificial Recharge Well is about 12 mm/minute and was relatively stable at 140 minute (two mm/minute). It besides has the power to recharge 450 liters of water in 140 minutes. b). In South Jakarta, the infiltration charge per unit of Artificial Recharge Well is about eleven mm/minute and was relatively stable at 160 minutes (2.5 mm/minute). Artificial Recharge Well has the ability to recharge 480 liters of water in 160 minutes. c). In Bantarjati, Bogor, Artificial Recharge Well have the highest capacity, namely 45 mm/infinitesimal and was relatively stable at 260 minutes (2.v mm/minute). Bogus Recharge Well has the ability to recharge 1000 liters of water in 150 minutes. Rain Water Harvesting Development Efforts and Artificial Recharge Well very useful to overcome inundation in residential areas, especially during heavy pelting, because information technology can reduce the volume of surface water into the channel simultaneously. Keywords : Pelting Water Harvesting, Infiltration, Artificial Recharge. ANALISIS SISTEM DINAMIK NERACA AIR DI PULAU TIDORE Malaka, Halima ;
Yanuar, Thousand. ;
Purwanto, J. ;
Zein, Alinda Jurnal Air Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2015): Jurnal Air Indonesia Publisher :
Center for Environmental Technology Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (634.408 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jai.v8i2.2371
This research was conducted at Tidore Island, –Tidore City, Due north Maluku Archipelago Province. Objective of this written report were i) build a water balance model Tidore Island. This Method used in this research is method of survey with water residuum analysis. Analysis of the information used is the analysis of dynamic system to determine the balance of the year 2009 - 2032 with software stella version ix.0.ii. The outcome of assay showed that in 2009 at that place were water balance 21,189,941.20 m3 / yr and in 2032 there was a deficit of 427,678.61 m3 / year. Water availability alphabetize (IKA) in 2009 amounted to 1416.ten and in the year 2032 amounted to 82.54 IKA the value, it indicates that in 2032 the availability of groundwater only able to serve 82.54% the water demand. To improve the remainder of water needed for water saving and conservation policies at each state utilize.Saving measures h2o utilize and conservation of groundwater washed using 3 policy scenarios, the model simulation results indicate that both scenarios can increment the efficiency of water utilise and water balance in 2009 to 21,270,444.14 m3 / year with a value of 1490.63 and value IKA in 2032 tin be water deficit of 31128.46 m3 / year. While the results of the simulation scenario iii scenario between saving integrated water use and conservation tin better the water balance in 2009 amounted to 21,350,947.08 m3 / year and the value IKA 1573.44, and in 2032 the value decreased to 117.92 IKA shows the availability of basis water able to serve 117.92% of h2o demand people. Keywords: water balance,system dynamic, water need, ground water availability PENGHILANGAN BAU SECARA BIOLOGI DENGAN BIOFILTER SINTETIK Herlambang, Arie Jurnal Air Indonesia Vol. ane No. i (2005): Jurnal Air Republic of indonesia Publisher :
Center for Environmental Technology Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Bank check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (269.067 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jai.v1i1.2299
Biofilter as i of method processing of waste accept been introduced since early 20, but in its application have fourth dimension to be left by effect of newer technological appearance like trickling filter, rotating biological contactor, activated sludge, and fluidized bed reactor. Biofilter very constructive in deodorizing, especially unsafe aromas of organic volatile chemical compound, and poisonous air from industry with efficiency 90 - 99,9%. Biofiltrasion become more than economic compared to carbon adsorption or oxidation when its organic content under 3000 ppm. Most biofilter operate on organic concentration around 1000 ppm or lower. There are some thing to influence market place of biofilter, for case :       i). the increasing of regulation about oxide nitrogen emission coming from hot process. Biofilter practice non yield nitrogen oxide add-on, 2). The increasing of sigh of society about contamination of aroma of facility processing of waste, processing of solid waste material and others, iii). preventive methodologies implementation of pollution using condensation and air emission concentration, 4). Force per unit area to industry to use processes with discard as pocket-sized as possible, 5). The increasing of attention to emission of hit and organic air materials, and besides depression cost h2o treatment technology.   Kata Kunci : Bau, Odour, Biofilter, Biofilm, Limbah tahu dan tempe, wastewater treatment IDENTIFIKASI MASALAH APLIKASI TEKNOLOGI PENGOLAHAN AIR PAYAU DENGAN SISTEM RO DI KABUPATEN REMBANG DAN CARA MENGATASINYA Rahardjo, Petrus Nugro Jurnal Air Republic of indonesia Vol. 6 No. i (2010): Jurnal Air Republic of indonesia Publisher :
Middle for Environmental Engineering Evidence Abstruse | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (235.621 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jai.v6i1.2458
A brackish h2o treatment procedure technology based on reverse osmosis principle has been applied in an Islamic schoolhouse community â€Å"Raudlatuttalibinâ€Â, Rembang, since July 2008. Production capacity of the water treatment found was designed 10M3 of drinking water per 24-hour interval. Afterwards running the system for one and a half years, a lot of problems were consecutively actualization untill the stop of March 2010. This identification activity antiseptic all issues in particular and explained how to solve them. They are not just technical issues, but also social and cultural issues of the customs. To solve them it must be started from increasing the capability of operators and applying the clean product concept. Finally by changing all the technically broken spareparts and running the RO unit system properly, they will be guaranteed to be able to produce good quality of drinking water.  Keywords : water treatment institute, contrary osmosis, technical & social problems. Folio 19 of 37 | Total Tape : 366

Why Is It Important For Organizations To Accurately Estimate The Demand For A Good Orã¢â‚¬â€¹ Service?,
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