
How To Get Dad's Note Isaac

The Bounden of Isaac: Repentance doubled its character count by adding Tainted versions of everyone. Hither's how to unlock these characters and their traits.

Information technology can be extremely difficult to keep track of new additions toThe Binding of Isaac when updates are added, and that's peculiarly truthful of large DLCs similar Repentance. We're currently playing our way through the newest (and supposedly terminal) addition forThe Bounden of Isaac, and one element that could employ some explaining is the inclusion ofTainted Characters.

Every playable character inThe Binding of Isaac: Repentance has a "tainted" version. Even though they look like reskins of Cain, Isaac, Lilith, and the rest, well-nigh of them start with new items and abilities, finer doubling the way you tin brainstorm a new run once they're unlocked. Here's how to unlock each tainted character and what makes them special.

How to Unlock Tainted Characters

Unlocking tainted characters is simple to explain, as the procedure is the same for each i. Notwithstanding, information technology is time consuming if y'all want to take hold of 'em all, and yous need to string together a good run in lodge to reach the betoken where you can admission them. Here'due south how you lot do it.

Defeat Mother

You'll need to defeatMother at least once. This is a new dominate added to theRepentance DLC, and you'll find her at the end of theCorpse II biome.

Notice Dad's Note

You'll need to findDad'due south Note on some other run. This is a special item yous'll exist able to grab in the biomeDepths Two. To find it, you'll need to defeat the dominate and so teleport out of the room. Look for a slightly different skull somewhere in the level and bomb information technology in guild to notice aFool card if you don't take teleportation.

Return to the starting room afterward defeating the boss, and you'll find a door that can be opened withThe Polaroid,The Negative or theFaded Polaroid. You'll detect Dad'south Note inside this room and you'll begin your rising.

Reach Abode

Go all the mode through the Ascension and yous'll reach a new area calledHome. It isn't randomized like the other areas ofThe Binding of Isaac,so piece of work your fashion through the few rooms and you'll become toMom's Room. Open the breast here to find theScarlet Key item, unlocking it for futurity runs. Y'all can now apply this item to unlockTainted Characters.

Employ the Red Key

Go into the hall exterior of Mom's Room and employ the Red Key. It will open up a subconscious room with the tainted version of the grapheme you are playing every bit within. Touch on that character to unlock them for future runs.

Detect the Croaky Key

Unfortunately, yous won't continue to find the Carmine Central in Mom's Room in later runs. You'll either need to conduct it to the area or find theCracked Key particular, which is a consumable that has the same issue as the Red Key.

A practiced tip for finding theCracked Central is to drop any trinket particular inside a boss room after yous've defeated your enemy. When you are going through the Ascent later finding Dad'due south Note, you'll have a trip through each dominate room you previously visited, simply whatever trinket yous've left behind will be transformed into the Cracked Primal.

It's certainly a procedure but, like many things inThe Binding of Isaac, yous'll discover a rhythm as you kickoff working your way through. Take each character through the Ascent to the Home area and use the Red/Cracked Key in the room earlier Mom's Room to become all the tainted characters.

Tainted Grapheme Traits

Well-nigh of the tainted characters accept similar traits to their regular counterparts, but they generally all have an extremely powerful ability balanced by a pregnant drawback.

They all have varying levels of starting stats and the like, but here are the main things that separate each tainted graphic symbol from their regular versions.

  • Tainted Isaac: Every particular pedestal cycles betwixt 2 options, but you can just concur eight passive items at a time.
  • Tainted Magdalene: Has a powerful melee assault that triggers when an enemy touches her and leaves a trail behind her that damages enemies, but her wellness slowly drains downward to two ruby hearts.
  • Tainted Cain: Starts with theBag of Crafting item, which stores pickups and transforms them into a passive detail when used. However, Tainted Cain tin can only obtain items through this method.
  • Tainted Judas: Starts with theDark Arts agile item instead of theBook of Belial. This active item gives him an invulnerable charge assail.
  • Tainted ???: Starts with theHold active particular and well-nigh every pickup is replaced by poop variations. Concur allows Tainted ??? to store his leftmost poop (he can concur up to nine) for after use.
  • Tainted Eve:Starts with theSumptoriumactive item instead of Eve's regular items. When active, information technology drains Eve'due south health to summon Blood Jell familiars while she is shooting tears.
  • Tainted Samson: Has a similarBerserk effect to regular Samson, just it restricts him to a powerful melee weapon and besides has a timer that refills as he kills enemies.

  • Tainted Azazel: Has a fullscreen axle attack that does low impairment, and also has a high knockback, shut range set on that leaves enemies vulnerable to his beam. Tainted Azazel cannot fly.
  • Tainted Lazarus: Swaps between his living and dead form after each room. Each form has different stats and abilities, making this a tricky graphic symbol to master.
  • Tainted Eden: Starts with random stats and items, and they are all rerolled each time Tainted Eden takes damage.
  • Tainted Lost: Starts with theHoly Menu consumable, which will shield you from a unmarried impairment source. The drop rate for Holy Cards is much higher when you play as Tainted Lost.
  • Tainted Lilith: Starts with theC Department passive particular, which replaces Tainted Lilith'due south tears assault with a babe fastened by an umbilical cord (!!!!). The babe deals damage and can also fire tears at enemies.
  • Tainted Keeper: Every item is acquired by coins, and Tainted Keeper besides uses coins for health. Defeating enemies drops temporary coins that quickly vanish if they aren't picked up.
  • Tainted Apollyon: Begins with theAbyss item, which sucks in every item in the room and spawns an assail fly familiar for each item that you can burn at enemies.
  • Tainted Forgotten: Has a skeleton familiar that yous can throw at foes, dealing heavy damage. Cannot obtain crimson hearts.
  • Tainted Bethany: Begins with theLemegeton active detail, which grants a random passive detail. Tainted Bethany cannot obtain ruby centre health, instead using carmine hearts to power her active item usage if it isn't fully charged.
  • Tainted Jacob: Begins with theAnima Sola item, which restricts deportment from the closest enemy for five seconds. You'll need it, equally Tainted Jacob will start beingness chased down 30 seconds into each flooring byNight Esau. If Night Esau catches Tainted Jacob, he transforms into a character similar to The Lost, and one more hit will kill him. If you make it to the next floor as this ghostly figure, Tainted Jacob volition be returned to his "living" state.

All these tainted characters add unique spins on the game, and a few of them volition dramatically change the mode you take to playThe Binding of Isaac in lodge to succeed. Good luck surviving the basement, and bank check out our game page for more on The Binding of Isaac: Repentance!

Published Apr. ninth 2021


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